Vessel Scents of Style

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By Jane

Make Life Easy

I am LOVING these! Beautiful jewellery and scent in one package. These nifty ‘vessels’ are stylish and practical, offering you the chance to customise your own jewellery.

How does it work? Fragrance is infused into the ScentSpheres, which are then placed into the jewellery you’ve chosen. You can choose from lockets, bracelets, earrings, rings and charms – there is even a little bone-shaped locket for your pet’s collar.

The fragrance lasts for several days, after which new ScentSpheres can be used with the perfume of your choice.

There are both women’s and men’s fragrances and they vary from citrus, floral, fruity and green to woodsy and spicy.

But… you can also choose unscented beads and use your own essential oils or signature perfume. Imagine that. Use frankincense or neroli essential oil if you’re feeling stressed, or a citrus essential oil of you need a bit of a lift. Just drop the relevant essential oil onto your beads and insert them into your locket or bracelet.

If your little munchkin needs some help to calm down, a lavender-scented locket could be just the thing.

I love, love this idea.

Click on the image below or to the right to read more about Vessel Scents of Style.

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