Q&As: Planting stone fruit near pipes

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Daltons answers your gardening questions. Plus, your chance to win!

Send us your gardening question and be in the draw to win! Each month Daltons will answer one of your questions, which we’ll feature here. Email your question to the address below (make sure you mention which area of the country you live in – it might be important to the answer – and if necessary include a photo) and be in the draw to win a prize pack.

Last month’s winner was: Janet Mathewson. See Janet’s question, with the answer, below.



This month’s prize: 2 x Daltons Premium Strawberry packs

Daltons-Premium-Strawberry-Pack-0816_smallDelicious, nutritious and as easy to grow as they are to eat, juicy homegrown strawberries are a family favourite. We have 2 Daltons Premium Strawberry packs to give away, full of everything you need to grow your own scrumptious strawberries.

Each pack is valued at over $80 and contains 1 x Daltons Incredible Edibles Strawberry Mix, 1 x Daltons Incredible Edibles Strawberry Fertiliser, 1 x Daltons Organic Bio-Fungicide Powder, 1 x Besgrow Coir Briquette– PLUS you’ll receive a pair of comfortable, versatile Red Back garden gloves from Omni Products.

To be in to win, EMAIL YOUR GARDENING QUESTION, name and glove size to: sweetliving@daltons.co.nz and put ‘Daltons Premium Strawberry Pack’ in the subject heading. Entries must be received by end of day 9 September, 2016.

Pencil line straight

Daltons_Planting-tree_smallQ. We built a home last year, but are unsure what to do in terms of planting 2m dwarf stone fruit trees near our water supply. It’s apparently 40cm deep at least, but don’t know more than that. If the trees are only that big, is it safe to have them near those pipes? Being new pipes, they are big solid ones, but I don’t want to crack them. Yet we do need to optimise use of our garden. What would you suggest? Janet Mathewson

A. We would advise against planting any trees, including fruit trees, in proximity to water pipes as you describe in your question. Over a period of time, the growth of roots, as they anchor the tree and spread for nutrients and water, is quite amazing. Often, they grow quite far beyond what you would imagine.

If it is possible to position your fruit trees in another part of the garden, this would be recommended. However, if it is an issue of space and there is no alternative site, there is a product called Root Stop Linear Barrier which is high density polypropylene that can be placed near the water pipes and prevent roots from growing in that direction. Check with your local Bunnings store if they have this or a similar product.

Ensure you add plenty of compost to the hole before planting and pop in a Daltons Premium Planter Tab to give your tree the best start.

For more tips and advice check out our How To Guides at our website: http://www.daltons.co.nz/home-gardening/how-to-guides.

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