Halloween coasters

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Halloween-coastersMake yourself some fun felt coasters for your big scary night.

These coasters are perfect for a Halloween party or as a hostess gift. Or hang them up to make whimsical decorations.

You need:

Felt in orange, green and black
Sharp craft knife
Craft glue
Cutting board
Cardboard for template
Air erasable fabric pen

1. Using a pencil, draw the shape of a pumpkin onto your cardboard and cut it out. Draw the stem and foliage onto the cardboard as well, and cut it out. These are your templates.

2. Using the templates, trace the shapes onto your felt pieces with an air erasable fabric pen. Cut the outline out with scissors.

3. Using your craft knife, cut out slits in the pumpkin and leaves.

4. Cut out two eyes and a mouth from the black felt and glue onto the pumpkin. Glue the green stem and leaves to the back of the pumpkin (or you can stitch it on) so it sits up above the pumpkin’s head.

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