Declare war on weeds with Kiwicare’s new Weed Weapon.
This fast-acting, hard-hitting spray will stop weeds dead (literally) in their tracks. Traditional weedkillers take 7-14 days before results are seen. Weed Weapon shows visible results in 1-4 days. It also kills a broader range of weeds and grasses and kills to the roots for effective control.
This product has been designed, tested and manufactured in New Zealand.
We have 5 bottles of Kiwicare Weed Weapon to give away.
To ENTER THE DRAW TO WIN A BOTTLE simply post a comment below. Anything will do. You can just say hello, if you like. Or perhaps tell us which vegetable or plant you find the easiest to grow. It might well be a weed!
COMPETITION CLOSES ON 12 NOVEMBER, 2012. Open to New Zealand residents only.
Does this kill kaikuia (sorry, not sure how to spell that but hope you understand) 🙂
I have used this product on the weeds in my path, and it is superb! I would be fairly confident it would work on kiyuyu as well. Jane
Weeds, be gone!
Would love to win this weed weapon, as it looks really easy to use….and love this magazine, popping up in my inbox, as well….cheers, Anne
I wonder if this product could eradicate the onion weed from my Mt Albert garden? We are inundated with the stuff, and it’s so hard to get rid of !
Yes, it would!
Love getting your newsletters, keep them coming
We have weeds taking over our garden paths!
i hope this can kill doc and stubborn thistles they are overrunning my garden my fingers are full of spikes
The folk at Kiwicare tell me they have used it on thistles and dock and it killed them completely. Their technical expert even tried it on oxalis that he had tried to get rid of repeatedly over the past 3 years – it wiped the oxalis out and he says there is no sign of it returning after 6 weeks.
my garden needs this greatly
Hi There I would love to win this product to try on our driveway and other areas – I would love to be able to blog about it too in a before/after.
Anything to make weed killing easier gets my vote. Thanks
I’d love this for around my gardens as I moved into my first home in June the weeds seemed to of moved in as well and trying to take over and as hard as I try, I am not going to win the battle.
PLEASE help me. 🙂
Everytime I spray weed killer it rains before the weeds die, I would love love LOVE a faster working one!
I need something like this as the weeds have overgrown in the garden
My husband would love this!! Could potentially mean less time spent in the garden and more family time with us 🙂
After reading everyones comments I reckon this is the product for us will make life much easier. We enjoy reading your magazine online it is great keep up the good work THANK YOU.
Cheers Lee
Weeds in the cobblestones are my biggest battle so this sounds ideal for that. My cinerarias grow like weeds – I’d be upset if this worked on them!
Yes please! I have a huge garden and am looking for a product that will be effective on a wide range of weeds.
I would love this to kill those damn dock leaves that are so hard to dig out.Having a back injury means I can dig like I used to so this would make it easier for me.
Oxalis 🙁
It’s the oxalis that needs to be dealt with!!
At least I see that others have the same problem too, not just me.
Love receiving my online mag. The weedkiller would come in handy too.
let the war against weeds begin!
Other than weeds, I do have success with my herb garden. I love basil, rosemary and chives
I’m enjoying my garden so much this season – especially growing a variety of herbs! However, I do need to find an effective weed killer! This one sounds good!
Would be great to be able to just squirt instead of pull weeds.
I would like one of these
Would love to win this product. I am very good at growing weeds.
I have a few thousands weeds I would love to try this out on!
Would this product work? I think I need to win, so I can test it out!!
Yes please, need to get those dandelions!
We badly need this!!! Please please pick me 😉
I am forever trying to win back my vege patch from the weeds, so this would be amazing!