Embroidery for Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones embroidery

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Have you spied the stunning embroidered costumes in the epic TV series Game of Thrones? The detail is extraordinary – we can’t stop staring at these remarkable creations.

Michele Carragher is the creator of these dazzling designs and on her website she shows us how she creates her embroidery.

From painting the outline of her designs onto organza initially, to embroidering the outline to filling it in with various threads, beads and crystals, Michele gives us an insight into how a true professional works.

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She shows us images, plus includes a time-lapse video of her creations from start to finish.

Click through to her website for more, and make sure you check out all her photo galleries (links on the left) which showcase her work.

It’s simply stunning work.

And it’s inspiring for both beginners and more advanced embroiderers.


  1. Absolutely exquisite embroidery, I can’t begin to imagine the time it must take to produce something so exquisitely detailed.


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