Embellish an old shirt

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Lace embellished shirtJazz up a tired dress shirt with a touch of lace and brightly coloured buttons. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!  

The instructions below are for shirt sleeves that do up with a button.

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1. Choose a wide, non-stretch lace trim. Measure and cut lace strips to size, allowing an extra 4cm (1 ½ in) per strip. Fold over each end of each lace strip 1 cm (3/8 in), iron and fold over another 1cm (3/8 in). Iron.

2. Pin lace to cuffs and collar. Snip a hole in the lace for the buttons and button holes. Fold the extra 1cm under the collar and cuff ends and machine or hand stitch lace in place. Stitch around the buttons and button holes for reinforcement.

3. Replace the existing buttons with fancier ones that match the lace.

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