Make cute Easter bunnies from sugar paste or marzipan for decorating your cakes.
Moulded animals are not hard to make, and they add a whole new dimension to cakes. It’s a fun activity to do with your kids – or invite the girls over for a whole lot of creative fun.
Use sugar paste or marzipan, available from supermarkets and cake decorating suppliers. As you are working, keep the paste in a plastic bag to keep it from drying out.
You need:
White sugar paste or marzipan
Edible glue
Pink and black liquid food colouring
Toothpick or blunt knife
Fine paint brush
1. Divide your sugar paste into a collection of balls for each body part, with larger balls for the body and head. You will need one large ball for the body, a slightly smaller one for the head, and nine smaller balls, one each for the ears, feet and hind legs, forelegs, and tail.
2. Make a cone shape for the body (rolling it in your hands), one end with a point and the other more flat and bulbous. Make a similar shape for the head.
3. Roll narrower cone shapes for the legs and ears and use a toothpick or blunt knife to score toes on the feet and a hollow in the ears. Make marks on the remaining ball to resemble a furry tail.
4. Brush edible glue on the body parts to be joined, then stick the pieces together.
5. Use a tiny amount of sugar paste for the nose and eyes and ‘glue’ these in place.
6. Dilute pink food colouring with water and paint onto the face, ears and toes. Paint black food colouring onto the eyes.
7. Dab a spot of edible glue on top of your cake and position your bunny in the centre.
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