DIY – Make a leather-bound notebook

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DIY leather notebookThis classy leather-clad notebook is perfect for guys or gals, and it takes no more than an hour to make!

You’ll need scrap leather (we bought ours from a discount emporium), leather cord (from craft shops and emporiums), and a notebook. We used a sewing machine to attach our leather ties, but you can hand-sew them instead if you prefer.

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Step 1

Measure your notebook then cut a leather jacket to fit.

Cut it big enough to allow the flap to come halfway across the front, as shown in the photo above left.

The length of your jacket will be about 3 x the width of your notebook.


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Step 2

Cut two narrow strips of leather for tying, one long (to wrap around the book) and one short. The lengths will depend on how big your notebook is.

Sew onto the flap of your leather jacket, as shown, with the ties positioned in opposite directions.

Using a sewing machine will give greater strength, but you can also hand-sew the ties on.


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Step 3

Position the leather jacket in its correct position, then thread the leather cord through the centre of the notebook and tie on the outside, as shown.

Snip the ends a little shorter to make them tidy.



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