These greeting cards are so simple to make, you could whip up several in one afternoon. We used Kaisercard in four colours (Coconut, Spiced Pumpkin, Fern and Forest) and another card we had lying around, which is aubergine-coloured. We also used a cloth-covered floral wire for the flower stems.
There are two ways you can go about this. You can either use a 3-set flower punch, as we did, to cut out your flowers, or buy cheap ready-cut paper flowers from craft suppliers.
For a decorative edging around our cards, we used craft scissors with different cutting designs. If you don’t have craft scissors you can buy patterned card from craft stores, or leave the edges straight.
From the floral wire, cut a stem to the desired length. Glue it to the card and allow to dry. Cut your three flower shapes and glue them, one on top of the other, to the card. Use a hole punch to cut a small hole in desired colour then glue to the centre of the flower.
Cut leaf shapes.
We cut a flower shape with our largest punch out of Kaisercard in colour Forest, then simple snipped off the petals to use as leaves.
Glue the leaves close to the flower stem.
Use other craft punches with butterflies or bird shapes to add extra interest if desired.
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