Cupcakes for Pink Ribbon Day

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Pink cupcakes
The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF) has organised a fun and easy fundraising event for the month of May. Host a Pink Ribbon breakfast, morning tea or lunch – or choose a time of the day that suits you best.

Pink ribbon on her chest to support breast cancer cause or AIDS.The idea is to invite your friends, family or colleagues over for some delicious fare and invite them to donate some money for your efforts, which in turn you can donate to the NZBCF. Your get-together can range from hosting a couple of friends over for morning tea to a full-on breakfast or lunch at the office.

We love these cute little cupcakes and we’re sure they’ll be a hit at your event. Katiecakes has a great tutorial on how to make the bows.

For those needing a good cupcake recipe, check out the recipes we featured for Easter, either the Basic cupcake recipe or the Coca-cola cupcakes.

For further details on how to host your own Pink Ribbon event, visit the
NZBCF website.

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