Take a leaf out of Liesl Gibson’s book and repurpose a linen basket into a cute bunny Easter basket. Liesl made her basket based on a pattern from the book Zakka Sewing, then added a face, complete with embroidered whiskers, button eyes and sticky-up ears. She’s provided a download for the face and ears over at her website here, but if you don’t have the book to make the fabric basket, here’s a fabulous site that provides step-by-step instructions for making one. The patchwork basket, from Pink Penguin, can easily be adapted to use one piece of fabric – although we love it as it is. Ayumi from Pink Penguin has also made a knit basket using a recycled knitted top. Check it out here.
Craft DIY: Easter basket

Filed Under: Crafts, Sew, Sweet Living Stories
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