Can essential oils help weight loss?

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Essential-oils-for-weight-lossTarget your mood with essential oils and it may lead to fewer inches on the waistline.

Are you stressed out, bored or emotional? Having food cravings? Many people eat because they are bored, depressed or stressed – and gaining weight can make you even more stressed or self-conscious. It’s a destructive routine, and it can help to target the mind if you want to lose weight.

Aromatherapy can do a lot to help lift the mood and deminish stress. Studies show it can also help to suppress the urge of reaching in the fridge for comfort food.

When thinking about aromatherapy and the different oils which can help your weight loss efforts, it is important to remember that we are all different. Different people react very differently to different oils – there is no one-size-meets-all solution. A particular oil that works for one person may not work for someone else. It’s a matter of experimenting to find what’s right for you.

Essential oils can be inhaled, added to bathwater, massaged onto your skin through a massage oil, or burned or dissipated into the air, all of which can help to affect our moods.

Oils that can help your mood for weight loss

CRAVINGS: If you have a sweet tooth and are constantly craving candies and cookies, try the sweet smell of vanilla essential oil. The scent is said to satisfy sweet cravings, but it also influences the production of endorphins — the brain’s feel-good chemicals. Sniffing vanilla can help reduce anxiety, which often triggers cravings for sweet food.

STRESS: There are a number of essential oils that help to relax and calm the mind. These include frankincense, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, grapefruit, geranium, rose, sandalwood, benzoin, bergamot, mandarin, vetiver and roman chamomile.

UPLIFTING: If your spirits are in need of a boost then the sweet smell of jasmine essential oil can really help. It also helps the mind to be clear and alert.

EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE: There is nothing more likely to bring your mood down than a hefty portion of emotional baggage; many people carry it through their daily lives without even realising that it’s there. If you are bogged down with emotional baggage which is hampering your weight loss aspirations, try juniper berry – it should help any baggage return firmly to where it belongs, in the past.

DEPRESSION: It’s a vicious cycle: depression can lead to over-eating, and being over-weight can often lead to depression. The oils which can help to combat depression include lemon, grapefruit, frankincense, clary sage, jasmine, ylang ylang, orange, geranium, sandalwood, helichrysum and orange blossom.

CONFIDENCE: People who suffer from weight problems very often have problems with confidence issues too. Oils which may help include bay laurel, cypress, bergamot, rosemary and orange.

If you have been battling with any of these symptoms and you feel that it’s hampering your weight loss goals, then why not try giving some of these essential oils a go. The only thing you have to lose is those extra pounds.

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