Amazing crocheted blooms

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Crochet flowers

We’ve been chatting to the very lovely Ksenia, who designs AMAZING crocheted flowers. Ksenia is a Russian lady who lives in Moscow, and she’s super talented.

camomile crochetedShe features several of her crocheted blooms on her website, with instructions. However, the instructions are in Russian. Google Translate does quite well in translating them, though there are a few gobbledegook words that come out.

Can anyone help us with proper English instructions? Ksenia uses some Tunisian crochet in there too. (There are detailed photographs of Tunisian crochet work for Ksenia’s red poppy tutorial here.)

Click through to Ksenia’s website.

Beneath some of the images on her website you will find a link that takes you to more images and sometimes instructions on how to make that particular flower.

Blue poppy here.

Pink dog rose here.

What an amazing talent!


  1. Love the crochet flowers on Ksenia’s website – wish the instructions were in English.

  2. I also love the crochet flowers but cannot make without English instructions! These would look lovely at my daughter’s bridal luncheon in June. Oh well.

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