Make a fancy cut-out card

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Paper cutoutsA homemade card is far more meaningful – and beautiful – than a bought one. So why not try your hand at one of these paper cut-out creations.

Hearty balloon

For the card on the left, simply cut out various sized hearts with a craft punch and glue them, along with a piece of string, onto red card. Handwrite or print a message onto the card first before gluing your hearts in place.

Cut-out butterflies

The card on the right also uses a craft punch for the white butterflies. But the larger butterfly is cut using a craft knife.

Use two contrasting coloured cards (red and white) to make the design stand out. On the red card, use a stencil or draw your butterfly design freehand in pencil.

Place the red card on a cutting mat (or something to protect the surface you’re cutting on) and cut around the butterfly outline with your craft knife, leaving the inside wings and body uncut.

Once cut, glue the red card to your contrasting card and lift out the wings for a 3-D effect. Glue the punched out white butterflies to the card.

Flower cut-out cards

More butterfly cut-out cards

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