Incredible smoothies

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What’s tasty, healthy and ready in just three minutes? A raw smoothie. Fi Jamieson-Folland shares three delicious, nutritious recipes.

Making super healthy meals, complete with many of the protein, carbs, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals and enzymes our bodies need to function at their best, is easy. Organic ingredients are ideal, but after years of buying my ingredients from local health food stores, I decided several years ago to grow many of my own ingredients. When it comes to smoothie mastery, there’s nothing like picking your own fresh organic fruit and vegetables and popping them straight into the blender.


  • Include organic ingredients where possible. If that’s not possible, peel the skins of fruit and veggies before using.
  • Make your smoothies green to alkalise the body. Eating lots of leafy greens can literally alter the pH of our blood to be more alkaline, which has been shown to allow the cells in our body to function at their optimum levels.
  • Chew! This mixes your digestive juices and pre-digests your food before it reaches the stomach. Of course, if you prefer to blend your smoothie until it’s completely creamy, you’ll be simply going through the motions of ‘chewing’ the fluid – this is still useful for the mixing. If you choose to add any of the suggested toppings below, then you can literally chew.


WHY? For vitality. Ideal for those busy days when you need to keep going.
WHEN? The Energy Booster is perfect for breakfast or lunch.

300ml nut milk eg almond, hazelnut, hemp
1 x frozen banana, peeled and broken into 4 or 5 pieces before freezing
½ cup frozen blueberries
8-12 almonds, pre-soaked in filtered water overnight, drained just before use
6 x medium-sized spinach leaves, washed
1 tablespoon tahini, unhulled and raw
100-200ml filtered water
½ – 1 teaspoon raw bee pollen

Place the nut milk into the blender with the frozen banana and berries. Blend until smooth, then gradually add (with the blender still running) the almonds, spinach and tahini. Gradually add the water to create a thicker or thinner smoothie according to taste. Sprinkle your smoothie with bee pollen once poured.


  • Bee pollen has been shown to help the immune system. It’s also high in protein and B vitamins, which is ideal for energy. It’s available from good health food shops.
  • Tahini is available from most supermarkets (although may not be raw) and health food shops.
  • Optional extra for a super-energy boost: add a tablespoon of raw avocado while adding the spinach.


WHY? For when you’re feeling sluggish and finding it hard to lose those extra kilograms. The Detox Dynamite is designed to help your own ‘waste disposal system’ work more efficiently. Ideal for the changes of season, or during summer when you want to look your best.
WHEN? Works well for breakfast or lunch.

200-300ml coconut water
1 x apple, washed if organic, peeled if non-organic
Half a cucumber, washed if organic, peeled if non-organic
Half a small beetroot, scrubbed if organic, peeled if non-organic, chopped
5 x young kale leaves, washed
3 x small beetroot leaves, washed
½ teaspoon spirulina
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
100-200ml filtered water

Place the coconut water into the blender with the apple, cucumber and beetroot. Blend until smooth, then gradually add (with the blender still running) the kale leaves, beetroot leaves, spirulina and lemon juice. Gradually add the water to create a thinner smoothie according to taste.


  • If you prefer your Detox Dynamite slightly sweeter, pre-soak 2 x medjool dates (de-stoned) and add at the last minute – blend until smooth.
  • To increase the detox effect, add a probiotic sachet.
  • If you’re planning a detox you’ll get better results by avoiding alcohol, tea and coffee, and excluding gluten and dairy foods from your diet.
  • Check out the ‘7 Ways To Boost Your Detox’ special report. To receive your FREE special report, email Fi at with ‘Smoothie Special Report’ in the subject line.


WHY? For a healthy treat. Your conscience can relax because this gastronomic delight is packed with goodness.
WHEN? Works well for lunch or dinner, plus it’s an energiser before a night out.

Spinach smoothieIngredients:
200-300ml almond milk
3 x medjool dates, soaked in filtered water overnight (keep the water)
2 x dessertspoons raw cacao or carob powder
4 x medium-sized spinach leaves, washed
100-200ml water
Dehydrated coconut pieces and raw cacao nibs to sprinkle on top

Place the almond milk in a blender with the dates (reserve water they were soaked in) and raw cacao or carob powder and blend until smooth. With blender still running, gradually add the spinach leaves. Gradually add the water (use the water the dates were soaked in to make it sweeter) to create a thinner smoothie according to taste. Sprinkle coconut pieces and raw cacao on top.


  • Raw cacao, cacao nibs, carob powder and dehydrated coconut pieces are available from most good health food shops.


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