More uses for marmalade

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Use up your marmaladeMarmalade is a fabulous way to preserve a bumper citrus harvest, but if you’re left with more jars than you know what to do with, start thinking outside the square – or at least beyond toast and marmalade. There are many recipes, both sweet and savoury, that call for a spoonful or more of marmalade.

Use it in marinades. Marmalade, soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger, garlic and chilli imparts a delicious flavour. Try this spicy orange teriyaki marinade.

Make a sticky glaze for cakes. Drizzle marmalade over a plain cake to sweeten the deal. Try this French yoghurt cake with marmalade glaze.

Spoon it through your porridge. Add yoghurt and marmalade and swirl it into your hot porridge in the morning. Jam works just as well.

Bake marmalade scones. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of marmalade to your favourite scone recipe, or try these lovely treats from Lieutenant Ducky.

Make a marmalade cream cheese frosting. For a carrot cake twist, add marmalade to your cream cheese frosting. Yum! Try this recipe here.

Glaze chicken. Lemon and orange go well with chicken, so make this simple but delicious meal that uses marmalade and breadcrumbs for a tasty topping.

Does anyone have any ideas for using up marmalade? We’d love you to post a comment below.

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