Make your own beef jerky

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Beef-jerky-recipeLove beef jerky? Make your own tasty snack with the help of the sun.

sunflair-ovenJerky has been around for a long time. In fact, it’s one of the first ways that humans set about preserving meat. With the delicious flavouring we have available today, you can turn yours into a gourmet treat. Make these in the oven on a very low heat – or make them as we did, in the amazing Sunflair solar oven. The Sunflair is eco-friendly, uses no power (other than that from the sun) and it churns out amazing food.

Sweet Living readers can enjoy a 10% discount on a Sunflair solar oven. simply use the code SLGIFT at the checkout. Click here to shop

Beef Jerky 

500g (17.5 oz) flank steak or meat of choice with no fat
1 teaspoon chilli, or to taste
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic salt


1. Cut very thin slices of steak, approximately 5mm or ¼ inch. Flavour it with chilli, pepper, onion powder and garlic salt. (Mix it together and rub it into the meat.)

2. If using a Sunflair (see link below for using a conventional oven), set it up with the zipper at the top and angle it facing north (in the southern hemisphere) or towards the sun. Lay your meat on the Sunflair racks with spaces in between. Stretch the meat slightly as you lay it. Hang the Sunflair thermometer on the top rack and check the temperature is between 60 and 77 degrees C.

3. Check progress in half an hour. It should be done in around 2-3 hours.

4. You will find the clear cover will steam up. If this steams up enough to start dripping, simply wipe with a cloth. A little steam doesn’t matter as it helps to keep the temperature down.

5. Squeeze meat to check no moisture remains, then tear a little to check the inside is cooked through.

6. Store in a cool dry place.

Baking in a conventional oven? Try this recipe here.

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