You don’t have to go all out and break the bank on Mother’s Day to make things special for your mom. The past few years have made everyone realize that time spent with moms is precious, especially if they weren’t able to meet for months on end.
So for this Mother’s Day, make your mother feel like the queen she is in the comfort of your own home. Here are a few fun ideas for your at-home Mother’s Day, so that you can make it one you and your mother will remember for years to come.
Host a special brunch

Start the day off with a special brunch for your mom. Make her favorite brunch foods, and create a mothers day brunch menu. Add a list of the day’s upcoming activities to this as well. Print out this menu, and set up a brunch table nicely. Add flowers, and use attractive crockery to make your mother feel special.
This will be a wonderful way to start this Mother’s Day in a great tone. A good brunch is a great precursor for the other things to come.
Give your mom a day off
This should be a given, but make it clear that your mom has the day off from chores and responsibilities. Divide her chores among you and other family members beforehand and let her know at the aforementioned brunch.
A day off is an especially good idea if you or your siblings are still young and live at home, so your mom will really appreciate a break from all the work involved.
Do a favorite activity together
If your mom has a favorite activity like crocheting, woodwork or anything like that, set up a station at home for you to do it together. This will be a great way to bond with each other, and show her you appreciate her interests as well. Or go all out and make a high tea for Mom.
This will not only make your mother happy, but can also lead to you two discovering something excellent to do together regularly. If she has multiple favorite activities, you can even divide them among siblings, so that everyone has special one-on-one time with your mother.
Make a gift basket with her favorite treats

Get a big gift basket and fill it with your mother’s favorite treats and other knickknacks. This basket can include snacks, special foods she likes, skincare products, makeup, gift vouchers, and even some sentimental mementos. If you have a Mother’s Day gift ready separately, add that to the basket too.
Add a few family photos from over the years to this basket to add a personal touch. Tie the basket up nicely with net and ribbon, and give it to your mom as a Mother’s Day present. Make sure you know what she likes and add those specialties to this basket to really make it a special present.
Get at-home spa treatments
Give your mother a day of relaxation and fun on this Mother’s Day. There are many at-home spa treatment options, so you should check out these services and hire the best ones possible in your area and budget.
Consider what sort of treatments your mother would appreciate, and then book them. Get her a manicure and pedicure, or a nice facial, depending on her preference. These home-based services will come to the house, and do the whole process with all the tools and materials required.
Have a family game night
Often, mothers really appreciate it when the whole family sits together and has a good time. You can wrap up the day with a fun family game night. Take out some board games or a jigsaw puzzle, and work on them together. Also order your mother’s favorite dessert or snack food to munch on at this game night.
This will not only make your mother happy, but give all of you a window of time to spend together with a fun activity. You can also play games like Taboo, Pictionary, and Charades to keep things loud, raucous, and fun.
Make a custom ecard
Of course, the classic Mother’s Day card is a must. Make things special and create a custom mothers day card on PosterMyWall. You can check out the templates there and edit a few details to personalize the design.
Add a few nice family photos and pictures of your mom over the years to a card to really show the effort you put behind it. This custom ecard will be a great addition to all the fun and appreciation over the day, and will be something your mother can look at later as well.
So, there’s a lot you can do to make Mother’s Day special at home. Just remember to take the appreciation and lessons learnt from these activities and apply them over the rest of the year as well.
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